About the Website

Critical rationalism is a cool philosophy invented by cool people. It started in the mid-20th century with the publication of Karl Popper's Conjectures and Refutations and has a vast range of applications: epistemology, philosophy of science, economics, politics, physics, mathematics, even artificial intelligence. Here are some questions which interest critical rationalists: The site primarily hosts quotes from Oxford University physicist David Deutsch, who is a prominent critical rationalist. The quotes are organized into a dictionary, which is searchable and can be viewed at random. The dictionary is a work in progress, and I (Vijay Kethana) hope to add more quotes and authors in the future. Besides David Deutsch, here are some other people whose quotes/tweets I plan to add to the dictionary:

Resources to Learn More

If you're looking to learn more about epistemology, the best place to start is David Deutsch's The Beginning of Infinity or The Fabric of Reality. Investor Naval Ravikant has put up a set of podcast episodes (The Deutsch Files) covering these topics in more depth. Here are some more suggestions by topic: