The Fermi Paradox

Because I grew up on rote sci-fi, I used to be pessimistic about alien encounters ... The reality of it is that any species that finds us is going to immediately give us all the knowledge that they have. And they’re going to crave new knowledge that we have, because they will realize that would allow them to light up the dark matter, the dark energy, the unused resources in the universe, to allow them to thrive as well. — Naval Ravikant (source)
And, by the way, we don’t have to worry about [Aliens] stealing our resources. It’s not like they’re going to go, Ah, there’s a planet full of coal and water. We’re going to take it... In fact, that might be another answer to the Fermi paradox. [Aliens] don’t need to leave their local area because they’ve already got the technology to perfectly sustain them. — Brett Hall (source)
When we encounter the aliens, we shouldn’t expect that they’re going to be immoral bastards that are going to want to take over our resources, but the opposite: They’re going to look at us and think what primitive savages that we are. They’re going to think that we’re moral midgets, and they’re going to want to teach us. They’re not going to want to put us in prison or anything like that. — Brett Hall (source)